On the Wing
In this enchanting programme, Londinium takes to the air to explore the domain of birds and other flying creatures. We encounter nightingales, swans, bees, swallows and much else besides, pairing fine recent works by Gabriel Jackson, Cecilia McDowall, Bob Chilcott, Jonathan Dove, and Caroline Shaw with madrigals and chansons by Byrd, Janequin, Gibbons, and the 'father of English bee-keeping', Rev. Charles Butler. Completing this colourful selection are classic works by Finzi, Stanford, Mendelssohn, Rheinberger, and Tippett, and Eric Whitacre's dazzlingly inventive response to Leonardo da Vinci's dream of human flight.
St John's Waterloo is opposite Waterloo Station. On concert day tickets will be available online until 3pm, and on the door from 7pm. They include a complimentary programme, and wine will be served in the interval.
The Music
Clément Janequin: Le chant des oyseaulx
Felix Mendelssohn: Die Nachtigall
Gerald Finzi: Nightingales
Gabriel Jackson: Nightingale Fragments
Josef Rheinberger: Abendfriede
Caroline Shaw: and the swallow
Jonathan Dove: Who Killed Cock Robin
- interval -
William Byrd: This sweet and merry month of May
Charles Villiers Stanford: The Blue Bird
Michael Tippett: The Windhover
Orlando Gibbons: The Silver Swanne
Bob Chilcott: Silver Swan
Charles Butler: Melissomelos: The Bees Madrigall
Cecilia McDowall: Here Hum the Bees
Eric Whitacre: Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine